Sights are hot.
Edit: Photos added. Woo hoo.
Last Saturday, I had a chance to shoot a few weapons which I otherwise would have had no chance of firing for a long long time. I signed up for a shooting activity back in September, and was prepared to only shoot tiny stuff such as air rifles/air pistols.
But when I got there, the package given had a full 50 9mm bullets, 5 shotgun shells, and 10 unknown type of bullets.
Oh... yeah.....
And hell, it was fun.
I performed well with the scoped rifles, although the 2nd higher velocity rifle was pretty shit, and they replaced it after I fired 7/10 possible shots (all disappearing into the dirt...). However, the lower cab rifle was almost something I was born to do, hitting all sorts of targets at 100 and 150 yards.
However, this experience only proved one thing to me.
I'm born to be a sniper.
I was absolutely terrible with the shotgun, where we were given a chance to shoot the clay discs out of the air. Difficult, and the shotgun being insanely heavy didn't help one bit. I didn't do any better with the pistol, as my shots are scattered all over the place, which marks my terrible accuracy.
However, for $45, it is rather fun, and given a chance, I would go and pick up shooting as a sport.
Too bad it is in the middle of no where. Bleh.
However, after the shooting, I went with a couple of friends to the nearby shopping mall, which, on first sight, is HUGE. It's at least twice the size of IMM.
However, inside somewhat speaks a lot of the big shopping centers all over QLD.
Major brands eating up most of the space. In fact, you barely see a private shop, as huge areas is taken up by Myers (Metro or something of Aussie), Woolworths (supermarket), Target/Big W (They sell... everything).
Insanely boring. Of course, they have a cinema and a foodcourt. However, the foodcourt only has fast food (Macs/KFC/whatever-else-is-famous-here such as Red Rooster).
Oh well.
X weeks to go. \o
And happy birthday to Joanne. Hehehe.

The small Caliber rifle. Easy.

The larger caliber rifle. The recoil hurts. Really.

Gilian with a shotgun. The shotgun is the only thing which I realised I suck in. It's heavy as hell, and very very hard to aim.

Three of us with the small caliber rifles. In competition, you shoot them while standing, actually.

THe rimfire bullets we used for the pistol and the small caliber rifle.

Shotgun shells and the bullets for the other pistol.
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